Female Saints Paintings

Female Saints Paintings105

Free downloads of Catholic paintings of female saints in the public domain.

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Maximian Recoiling at the Sight of the Angel Who Protects Saint Suzanne (1857) by Sébastien Norblin de la Gourdaine - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: The beautiful daughter of Gabinius, a priest, and niece of Pope Caius, Susanna refused Emperor's Diocletian request that she marry his son-in-law, Maximian and converted two of her uncles, Claudius and Maximus who were court officers sent by Diocletian to persuade her to marry, to Christianity. Diocletian...

Servant of God Mary Elizabeth Lange (2022) by Virginia S. Benedicte - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: Mary Elizabeth Lange, OSP (born Elizabeth Clarisse Lange; c. 1789 – February 3, 1882) was a Black Catholic religious sister who founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first African-American religious congregation. She was also, via the Oblates, the first-ever African-American Mother Superior. Her cause for her beatification was opened...

The Miraculous Translation of the Body of Saint Catherine of Alexandria to Sinai (1860) by Karl von Blaas - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: Catherine was one of the most important saints in the religious culture of the late Middle Ages and arguably considered the most important of the virgin martyrs, a group including Agnes of Rome, Margaret of Antioch, Barbara, Lucia of Syracuse, Valerie of Limoges and many others. Her power as...

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