Public Domain Paintings

Public Domain Paintings959

Free downloadable Catholic paintings which are in the public domain

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Sketch for "The Assumption of the Virgin" (1744) by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: According to Roman Catholic theology, the Assumption is the movement of the Virgin Mary's body and soul into heaven. Thus the central figure of the Virgin dominates this scene of the Assumption, outstretching her arms and supported by two angels as she ascends into heaven. Below, saints...

Saint Augustine and Two Angels Adoring the Crucifix (1685–1695) by Giuseppe Passeri - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: One of the most sought-after painters in late 17th-century Rome, Passeri was also a prolific draftsman. The tenderly depicted venerating saint may be identified as Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (340–430), whose miter and crosier are held by two angels, while his numerous writings are represented by the open...

Holy Women at the Tomb Illuminated Gospel (14th–15th century) by the Amhara Peoples - Public Domain Ethiopian Orthodox Painting

Details: This illuminated manuscript of the Four Gospels was created at a monastic center in northern Ethiopia. Twenty full-page paintings depict scenes from the life of Christ and four portraits of the evangelists introduce the respective Gospel texts. The New Testament was translated from Greek into Geez, the classical language...

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