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Medieval Illumination, taken from “De Speculo Caritatis” (the mirror of charity)(1140) by Ælred de Rievaulx - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: Aelred of Rievaulx, also known as Ailred, Ælred, and Æthelred, was a Cistercian monk from England. He served as the abbot of Rievaulx from 1147 until his passing in 1167 and was recognized for his writing abilities. Both Anglicans and Catholics consider him to be a saint. 🙏🏽This image...

Leaf from a Psalter: Initial D: David in Prayer before an Altar and Christ in a Cloud (2 of 2 Excised Leaves) (1270–1280, England) - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: An impressive eight-line initial represents a kneeling David praying before an altar amid stylized topiaries and set against a burnished gold ground. The text introduces Psalm 101: Domine exaudi orationem meam (Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my crying come unto thee). Facial types for the figures are...

Prayer Nut with Scenes from the Life of St. James the Greater (1500–1530, Netherlandish) by Adam Dircksz - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: DID YOU KNOW? This miniature masterpiece was held and caressed within the palm of the holder as they prayed and meditated on their faith. What do you use to focus or engage in quiet concentration? DESCRIPTION Prayer nuts or "paternosters" are generally made from boxwood and carved...

Leaf from a Book of Hours: Presentation in the Temple with Roundels of the Casting of Lots, the Deposition, and Pietà (None, Office of the Virgin) (1460–1470) by the follower of Master of Adélaïde de Savoie - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: DID YOU KNOW? The images and decorated initials in the book helped users navigate to sections they needed while also offering details to provoke meditation and prayer, leading to books of hours sometimes being referred to as “painted prayers.” DESCRIPTION The style of this miniature, with its oval faces,...

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