Renaissance Paintings

Renaissance Paintings215

Free downloadable Renaissance Catholic paintings in the public domain.

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Christ on the Cross Adored by Saints Thomas Aquinas and Catherine of Siena (1490, Italy) by Lorenzo d'Alessandro da San Severino - Public Domain Catholic Painting

About the Image: This is a typical example of the two-sided panels carried in fifteenth-century religious processions. Such objects were regularly handled and exposed to the elements. On one side, the theologian Thomas Aquinas and the mystic Catherine of Siena, who holds the heart that Christ gave to her, flank...

Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 137v, Pentecost (1405) by Master of the Brussels Initials and Associates - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: This precious volume was obviously highly prized by its owner, the French-born King of Navarre, who had his coat of arms painted on no less than twenty folios. Rather than directly commissioning this manuscript from a specific workshop, it seems that Charles the Noble acquired his book of hours...

Saint Albertus Magnus, a Fresco by Tommaso da Modena (1352), Church of San Nicolò, Treviso, Italy - Public Domain Catholic Painting

The fresco of Saint Albertus Magnus, a theologian and scientist known for his contributions to philosophy, theology, and natural sciences, was painted by Tommaso da Modena in 1352. The fresco can be found in the Church of San Nicolò in Treviso, Italy. 🙏🏽This image is in the public domain. Free...

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