Catholic Stock Photos

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Adoration of the Magi from Seven Scenes from the Life of Christ Stained Glass Window (1390, Austrian) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: This panel which is part of a larger ensemble was commissioned for the private chapel in the castle of Ebreichsdorf, south of Vienna. Originally, there were eighteen scenes, some extending across two lights of the windows. Except for one panel in Vienna, The Cloisters panels are all that survive....

Saint James the Greater Statue (1489–1493, Spanish) by Gil de Siloe - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: In 1486, Isabel of Castile, patroness of the explorer Christopher Columbus, commissioned an elaborate alabaster tomb for her parents, Juan II of Castile and Isabel of Portugal. This star-shaped tomb, still standing in the center of the church of the Carthusian monastery of Miraflores, outside Burgos, was made between...

Booklet with Scenes of the Passion (1300 [carving]; 1310–1320 [painting]) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: An exceptional ivory object, this diminutive booklet is unusual in that both the exterior covers, depicting scenes of the Passion, and the interior covers, containing representations of the Virgin, are carved. The religious nature of the booklet suggests that it served as an accessory for private devotion. The painted...

Christ Carrying the Cross (Panel from an Altarpiece) (1400s, England, Nottingham) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: This panel, most likely one of five narrative scenes representing the Passion of Christ, comes from a now dismembered altarpiece. The central panel was undoubtedly a scene of the Crucifixion. Such carvings in alabaster were frequently painted in vibrant colors with added gilding. The flesh areas of the figures...

Ethiopian Prayer Book with Case (Mahdar) 19th century - Ethiopian Orthodox Stock Photo

Details: This leather-bound manuscript is a prayer book written in Gə’ez, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Its 144 folios features three distinct kinds of ornaments: a single full-page illumination; interlaced borders (haräg); and textual ornament, including punctuation marks and headers. The full-page illumination on folio 1v...

Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church (1892, Florida) - Vintage Catholic Stock Photo

Details: The Feast of Corpus Christi procession to the church. According to Will Plazewski, the photo was taken between 1892, when the two-story wooden school (behind the trees) was built, and 1910, when construction began on the current church. From the extensive Florida postcard collection of Fr. Henry Riffle. 🙏🏽This...

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