Apostles Paintings

Apostles Paintings101

Free downloadable public domain Catholic paintings of the Apostles

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Shalone Cason

Assumption of the Virgin (16th century) by Marcellus Coffermans - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: Assumption, in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic theology, the notion or (in Roman Catholicism) the doctrine that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken (assumed) into heaven, body and soul, following the end of her life on Earth. There is no mention of the Assumption in the New Testament,...

Shalone Cason

Sketch for "The Assumption of the Virgin" (1744) by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: According to Roman Catholic theology, the Assumption is the movement of the Virgin Mary's body and soul into heaven. Thus the central figure of the Virgin dominates this scene of the Assumption, outstretching her arms and supported by two angels as she ascends into heaven. Below, saints...

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