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Priest Blessing Easter Fire at the Easter Vigil 2023 (Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details This image refers to a religious ceremony called the Easter Vigil, which takes place on the night before Easter Sunday in the Christian tradition. During this ceremony, Catholic priests bless a fire that is used to light candles and lamps in the church. This fire symbolizes the light of...

Elevation of the Chalice on Easter Sunday, Latin Mass, 2023 (Saint Benedict's Parish, Chesapeake, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details The text refers to a religious ritual called the "Elevation of the Chalice" that takes place on Easter Sunday, which is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The chalice is a cup-shaped vessel used during the Catholic Eucharist, which is a sacrament that commemorates...

Consecration and Elevation on Holy Thursday, Latin Mass, 2023 (Saint Benedict's Parish, Chesapeake, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details Consecration and Elevation on Holy Thursday refer to two important rituals in the Catholic Church that take place during the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, which is the Thursday before Easter Sunday.  Consecration refers to the moment during the Mass when the bread and...

Latin Mass, Holy Thursday Procession, 2023 (Saint Benedict's Parish, Chesapeake, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details The image directs to a religious procession that takes place on Holy Thursday in the Latin Mass tradition. Holy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter Sunday and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. In the Latin Mass tradition, the Holy Thursday procession is a solemn...

Priests Stripping the Altar on Holy Thursday 2023 (Saint Benedict's Parish, Chesapeake, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details The image directs to the practice of priests removing all decorations and items from the altar in a Catholic church on Holy Thursday. This is done as a symbolic representation of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and abandonment of his earthly possessions during his crucifixion. The items removed from...

Easter Vigil, Candlelit Liturgy of the Word 2023 (Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details The image relates to a religious ceremony called the Easter Vigil, which takes place on the night before Easter Sunday. The ceremony involves a Liturgy of the Word, which is a part of the Catholic Mass that focuses on readings from the Bible.  The Easter Vigil is traditionally held...

Priest Lighting the Pascal Candle at the Easter Vigil (2023, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details The image refers to the Pascal Candle, which is a large candle used in the Christian liturgical celebration of the Easter Vigil. The candle is typically made of beeswax and is adorned with various symbols and designs, such as the cross, alpha and omega symbols, and the year of...

Saint Jacobo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga de Santa María (2023) by Virginia S. Benedicte - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Jacobo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga was a Japanese Dominican priest who was born in 1582 and became a catechist after studying with the Jesuits. He later joined the Dominican Order, was ordained a priest in 1626, and served as a missionary in Taiwan and Japan during the period of Christian persecution....

Diptych with scenes from the life of Christ (1375) Attributed to Master of the Passion Diptych - Catholic Stock Photo

The carved scenes of this diptych (hinged two-paneled object) read from left to right, beginning at the bottom: the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Betrayal of Judas, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and Pentecost. In the Middle Ages, wealthy nobles commissioned exquisite diptychs, illustrated prayer...

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