Public Domain Paintings

Public Domain Paintings959

Free downloadable Catholic paintings which are in the public domain

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Icon of the Mother of God and Infant Christ (Virgin Eleousa) (1425–1450) attributed to Angelos Akotantos - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: This type of icon is known as the Virgin Eleousa (Virgin of Tenderness) characterized by the touching cheeks of mother and child in a loving moment. The icon signifies Christ’s incarnation, suffering, and death for the sake of humankind. Three ornamental stars on the Virgin’s cloak are...

The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin (before 1402) attributed to Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni) - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Details: Christ and the Virgin are shown pleading with God the Father for mercy on behalf of eight small figures, perhaps members of a prominent Florentine family. In the tradition of hieratic scale, the divine figures are portrayed many times larger than the mortals, who kneel in adoration and prayer....

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