Public Domain Paintings

Public Domain Paintings959

Free downloadable Catholic paintings which are in the public domain

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Leaf from a Gospel Lectionary: Ornamented Headpiece and Initial E with the Resurrection of Christ and John the Baptist Preaching by Lukas of Cyprus (1594-1596) - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: The decoration on this page is by two or possibly three different hands. The headpiece, ornamented title, and initial letter "E" are the work of the scribe Luke the Cypriot, while the images and framing ornament in the side margin are by a professional artist(s). It...

The Evangelist John Receiving Divine Inspiration and Dictating the Gospel to His Disciple Prochorus by Lukas of Cyprus (1594-1596, Ottoman) - Public Domain Illuminated Manuscript

Details: This is one of twenty-six known manuscripts by the hand of Luke the Cypriot (active 1583-1625), an accomplished Greek calligrapher who worked after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (1453). He copied it in 1594 at his episcopal see of Buzau (in Wallachia, now Romania) and soon took it to...

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