Public Domain Paintings

Public Domain Paintings953

Free downloadable Catholic paintings which are in the public domain

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Saint Jacobo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga de Santa María (2023) by Virginia S. Benedicte - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Jacobo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga was a Japanese Dominican priest who was born in 1582 and became a catechist after studying with the Jesuits. He later joined the Dominican Order, was ordained a priest in 1626, and served as a missionary in Taiwan and Japan during the period of Christian persecution....

Abaelardus and Heloïse surprised by Master Fulbert by Romanticist painter Jean Vignaud (1819) - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Abelard and Heloise's story is significant in Catholic history because they were both devout Christians. Abelard was a theologian and philosopher who challenged traditional Catholic teachings, while Heloise was famous as the most well-educated and intelligent woman in Paris. They became lovers against her uncle's (Fulbert)...

Saint Albertus Magnus, a Fresco by Tommaso da Modena (1352), Church of San Nicolò, Treviso, Italy - Public Domain Catholic Painting

The fresco of Saint Albertus Magnus, a theologian and scientist known for his contributions to philosophy, theology, and natural sciences, was painted by Tommaso da Modena in 1352. The fresco can be found in the Church of San Nicolò in Treviso, Italy. 🙏🏽This image is in the public domain. Free...

The Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Albert the Great by Vicente Salvador Gomez (1660) - Public Domain Catholic Painting

"Saint Albert the Great" is a Catholic saint, bishop, and philosopher. He lived during the 13th century and was known for his extensive writings on various subjects, including theology, natural science, and metaphysics. He is considered one of the greatest theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages. Vicente...

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