Catholic Stock Photos

Catholic Stock Photos861

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The Risen Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, and Saint John the Evangelist Stained Glass Window in Gloucester Cathedral, England (2015) by Jules & Jenny - Catholic Stock Photo

About the Image: The stained glass window in Gloucester Cathedral is a beautiful work of art that depicts three figures: Jesus, Mary, and Saint John. The figures are shown with Jesus in the center and Mary and Saint John on either side. There are two angels above the holy figures....

Prayer Nut with Scenes from the Life of St. James the Greater (1500–1530, Netherlandish) by Adam Dircksz - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: DID YOU KNOW? This miniature masterpiece was held and caressed within the palm of the holder as they prayed and meditated on their faith. What do you use to focus or engage in quiet concentration? DESCRIPTION Prayer nuts or "paternosters" are generally made from boxwood and carved...

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