Catholic Antique Stock Photo

Catholic Antique Stock Photo178

Free to use stock images of antique Catholic items created hundreds of years ago such as: statues, holy books, chalices, crosses, and more.

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Education of the Virgin (1700) by Giuseppe Mazzuoli - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: During the Counter-Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church increasingly upheld Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary’s mother, as an example of virtuous motherhood, particularly in emphasizing her daughter’s religious education. Its graceful composition also connects to the idealized, elegant work of Guido Reni. Source 🙏🏽This image is in the...

Diptych with Scenes of the Annunciation, Nativity, Crucifixion, and Resurrection (1300-1325, Germany) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: An outstanding example of Gothic goldsmiths' work and enameling, this small devotional diptych achieves a gemlike quality through its accomplished technique and graceful style. The outer scenes of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection are executed in translucent enamel with details in opaque enamel, while the inner scenes of...

Reliquary Shrine (1325-1350) attributed to Jean de Touyl - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: This sumptuous reliquary sets the Virgin and Child, accompanied by angels, within an elaborate architectural shrine. The arches, vaults, and sculptural decorations are of gilded silver; translucent enamel panels on the wings depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin and the Infancy of Christ evoke stained-glass windows. This...

Saint James the Greater Statue (1489–1493, Spanish) by Gil de Siloe - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: In 1486, Isabel of Castile, patroness of the explorer Christopher Columbus, commissioned an elaborate alabaster tomb for her parents, Juan II of Castile and Isabel of Portugal. This star-shaped tomb, still standing in the center of the church of the Carthusian monastery of Miraflores, outside Burgos, was made between...

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