The Annunciation (1380s, Netherlands or France) - Public Domain Catholic Painting
In this depiction of the Annunciation, the angel's Gabriel wings resemble the feathers of a peacock.
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In this depiction of the Annunciation, the angel's Gabriel wings resemble the feathers of a peacock.
Commissioned by Duke Moritz of Saxony, this medal depicts the Trinity in the form of the Throne of Grace. God the Father holds the cross on which Christ has been crucified, expressing God’s acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice, with the Holy Spirit between them in the form of a dove.
One of the most revered icons in the Russian Orthodox church, Our Lady of Kazan represents the Virgin Mary as the patroness of the city of Kazan and the Holy Protectress of Russia.
This remarkable object, meant to be carried in religious processions within a great church, is an example of the high level of skill achieved by 15th-century Italian silversmiths.
Paolo Veronese was an Italian Renaissance painter, based in Venice, known for large-format history paintings of religion and mythology, such as The Wedding at Cana (1563) and The Feast in the House of Levi (1573).
The account of Saint Peter healing the lame man is found in the Book of Acts 3:1-11. The passage describes a miracle performed by Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate of the Jerusalem Temple. In this image, Peter wears orange and blue robes, while John wears pink and white.
This rare and beautifully preserved flask is one of the first to depict St. Sergios on horseback, surrounded by the inscription: "Blessing of the Lord of Saint Sergios." The cult of this 3rd-century saint reached its height of popularity in the 6th century, at the site of his martyrdom in Syria.
The leaf is from a lectionary presented to the Holy Trinity Monastery at Chalke in Constantinople by Empress Katherine Komnene in 1063. It shows the tools of the scribe's trade and a portrait of Saint Matthew: a writer of the Gospels.
This small altarpiece of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus flanked by saints, is designed for a household or private chapel. It is a triptych with three panels, making it easy to fold and transport.
Sister Wilhelmina, the first American to be declared incorruptible, was the beloved founder of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. She passed away on May 29, 2019, and her body was exhumed intact on April 28, 2023.
A pectoral cross or pectoral is a cross that is worn on the chest, usually suspended from the neck by a cord or chain. This cross was designed with gold accents, gilt-silver, and cloisonné enamel. It features an image of Christ crucified in the center.
This circular work of art, known as a tondo, shows the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph with the child Jesus, and Saint Elizabeth holding John the Baptist on the right.
Sister Wilhelmina, the first American to be declared incorruptible, was the beloved founder of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. She passed away on May 29, 2019, and her body was exhumed intact on April 28, 2023.
In this drawing, a group of young nuns gather to pray. The unknown French artist used white chalk to delicately highlight the central figure with clasped hands.
This statue of Archangel Michael at the Day of Judgment stands on a prostrate demon and holds a flaming sword raised in his right hand.
Saint Jeanne was the co-founder of the Daughters of the Cross. Her religious sisters gave medical care and faith formation to the poor and sick.
The Virgin is supported by cherubim and stylized clouds and supports the Christ Child in her arms. The painted decoration of the Virgin and Christ Child is original and would contribute to an impression of the royal status of the mother and child.
The Monastery of Panormitis is tied with the Christian faith of the Symiot people. The interior is covered with wall paintings from the Byzantine period, made by the native hagiographers.
This icon of Christ is flanked on all sides by the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Christ's icon has a golden background, which symbolizes His divine nature.
This devotional plaque, of the Annunciation, is by Suzanne de Court, the only woman enamel painter to sign her work.
An ancient crucifix pendant that has been meticulously painted and enameled with gold rock crystal. It was likely used as a rosary or necklace pendant.
Saint Andrew, holding a scroll, looks intently to his left, indicating that the panel once may have formed part of a group of icons with Christ at the center.
These three pieces, now separate, once formed part of a two-winged door in the center of an iconostasis
This armband is made up of seven inscribed medallions.