Catholic Antique Stock Photo

Catholic Antique Stock Photo178

Free to use stock images of antique Catholic items created hundreds of years ago such as: statues, holy books, chalices, crosses, and more.

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Book of Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic Queen of Spain (1500) by Master of the First Prayerbook of Maximillian and Associates - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: The original owner of this exquisite book of hours was Queen Isabella of Spain, who sponsored Christopher Columbus's exploratory voyage to the Americas. Eventually this book found its way to the New World and was acquired by the Cleveland Museum of Art in 1963. Isabella’s book...

Crucifixion, with Mary and Saint John and the Resurrection (early 18th Century) Ethiopian - Public Domain Orthodox Painting

Details In the seventeenth century, Ethiopian artists were increasingly exposed to forms of expression from Europe. During this period, double-sided diptychs became popular among the nobility as pendant icons worn suspended by a cord around the neck. The subject matter depicted on this example is a standard program for this...

Relief of Christ Carrying the Cross with Saints Simon and Veronica (1545) by workshop of Jacques Dubroeucq - Catholic Stock Photo

🙏🏽Please Subscribe or Donate [] to help keep this site free!Image Description0:00/0:351×Image Details As Christ dragged his cross through the streets of Jerusalem, Veronica wiped sweat from Christ’s face, which was miraculously imprinted on the fabric. This relief probably came from...

Plaque: The Crucifixion and Virgin and Child with Angels (1250–1270, France) - Catholic Stock Photo

Please Subscribe or Donate [] to Help Keep This Site Free! This elegant panel once served as the center of an ivory triptych. Set into an intricate architectural frame that recalls Gothic forms, the figures are carved in three-quarter relief, suggesting free-standing sculptures placed in niches. Below,...

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