Catholic Antique Stock Photo

Catholic Antique Stock Photo178

Free to use stock images of antique Catholic items created hundreds of years ago such as: statues, holy books, chalices, crosses, and more.

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Handheld Processional Cross (18th-20th Century, Ethiopia) - Orthodox Stock Photo

About the Image: Ethiopian handheld crosses, often referred to as "processional crosses," have a rich history and are distinct in their design and cultural significance. Let's delve deeper: Design and Material: * The intricate lattice-like design is characteristic of Ethiopian crosses. Each design pattern, though sharing similarities,...

Prayer Nut with Scenes from the Life of St. James the Greater (1500–1530, Netherlandish) by Adam Dircksz - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: DID YOU KNOW? This miniature masterpiece was held and caressed within the palm of the holder as they prayed and meditated on their faith. What do you use to focus or engage in quiet concentration? DESCRIPTION Prayer nuts or "paternosters" are generally made from boxwood and carved...

Diptych with scenes from the life of Christ (1375) Attributed to Master of the Passion Diptych - Catholic Stock Photo

The carved scenes of this diptych (hinged two-paneled object) read from left to right, beginning at the bottom: the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Betrayal of Judas, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and Pentecost. In the Middle Ages, wealthy nobles commissioned exquisite diptychs, illustrated prayer...

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