Holy Family Paintings

Holy Family Paintings48

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The Holy Family with Saints Anne, Joachim, and John the Baptist (1729) by Francesco Trevisani - Public Domain Catholic Painting

Please Subscribe or Donate [https://sdcason.com/donate] to Help Keep This Site Free! During the early 1700s, Roman artists returned to fundamental Christian subjects, especially those focused on the Christ child. This work presents the Holy Family with Christ’s maternal grandparents and baby cousin, John the Baptist, stressing...

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist by Sandro Botticelli and Workshop (1490) - Public Domain Catholic Painting

The perfectly round form, called a tondo, became popular during the 1440s. Made for domestic settings instead of churches, the circular format challenged the artist to create a harmonious, balanced composition within this more difficult shape. The attribution has been a matter of debate. Botticelli often collaborated with students, including...

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