Catholic Antique Stock Photo

Catholic Antique Stock Photo178

Free to use stock images of antique Catholic items created hundreds of years ago such as: statues, holy books, chalices, crosses, and more.

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Booklet with Scenes of the Passion (1300 [carving]; 1310–1320 [painting]) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: An exceptional ivory object, this diminutive booklet is unusual in that both the exterior covers, depicting scenes of the Passion, and the interior covers, containing representations of the Virgin, are carved. The religious nature of the booklet suggests that it served as an accessory for private devotion. The painted...

Plaque: Seated Prophet from a Reliquary Shrine (1170-1180, Germany) - Catholic Stock Photo

0:00/0:191×Details: Once used as decorations for a reliquary shrine, each enamel plaque represents a biblical prophet: Isaiah, Zacharias, Elisha, and Hosea. Fine gold dots punctuate dark blue backgrounds. Typical of Hildesheim enamels, this detailing creates the illusion that the prophets sit against star-studded twilight skies. 🙏🏽This...

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