The three Marys at the tomb is the name used for a group of three women who came to the sepulcher of Jesus. In Eastern Orthodoxy they are among the Myrrh bearers, a group that traditionally includes a much larger number of people. All four gospels mention women going to the tomb of Jesus, but only Mark 16:1 mentions the three that this tradition interprets as bearing the name Mary:
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary of Clopas
- Mary Salome
The other gospels give various indications about the number and identity of women visiting the tomb:
- John 20:1 mentions only Mary Magdalene, but has her use the plural, saying: "We do not know where they have laid him" (John 20:2).
- Matthew 28:1 says that Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" went to see the tomb.
- Luke 24:10 speaks of Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary of Jacob, and adds "the other women", after stating earlier (Luke 23:55) that at the burial of Jesus "the women who had come with him from Galilee ... saw the tomb and how his body was laid".
The Roman Martyrology commemorates Mary Magdalene on 22 July. On 24 April it commemorates "Mary of Cleopas and Salome, who, with Mary Magdalene, came very early on Easter morning to the Lord's tomb, to anoint his body, and were the first who heard the announcement of his resurrection.