The scribes were learned men in ancient Israel who studied the Law, transcribed it, and wrote commentaries on it[1]. Jesus engaged in discussion with the Jewish Scribes during the Feast of the Passover when he was twelve years old[2]. Alexandre Gabriel Decamps painted a work titled 'Christ among the Scribes' around 1833[3], while Albrecht Dürer created a painting of the same name in 1503[4]. While some scribes may have been Pharisees, they were largely two distinct groups in the 1st century[5].
The Master of Delft was a Dutch painter of the final period of Early Netherlandish painting, whose name is unknown[1]. He may have been active in Delft in the early 16th century[2], and his works can be found in various collections such as the National Gallery in London[2] and Google Arts & Culture[3]. He may also have been employed on woodcuts for book illustrations[2].