Catholic Sacred Vessels Stock Photo

Catholic Sacred Vessels Stock Photo40

Free to use stock photos of sacred vessels such as: cruets, crosses, chalices, patens, and more.

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Reliquary Shrine (1325-1350) attributed to Jean de Touyl - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: This sumptuous reliquary sets the Virgin and Child, accompanied by angels, within an elaborate architectural shrine. The arches, vaults, and sculptural decorations are of gilded silver; translucent enamel panels on the wings depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin and the Infancy of Christ evoke stained-glass windows. This...

Archbishop Peter Kairo at Beatification Ceremony (2015, Kenya) - Catholic Stock Photo

Details: Archbishop Peter Kairo (centre) from Nyeri diocese blesses ceremonial chalices during a rehersal for Africa's first Roman Catholic beatification ceremony. Final preparations were being made to host thousands of worshippers, officials and visitors who are expected to congregate 23 May for the event in the town of...

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