Longinus (/ˌlɒnˈdʒaɪnəs/) is the name given to the unnamed Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus with a lance and who in medieval and some modern Christian traditions is described as a convert to Christianity.
A reliquary is a container for relics. A portable reliquary may be called a fereter, and a chapel in which it is housed a feretory. Relics may be the purported or actual physical remains of saints, such as bones, pieces of clothing, or some object associated with saints or other religious figures.
First-class relics are a part of the saint’s body, usually a piece of bone or hair. Praying to a first-class relic is a powerful way to ask for that Saint’s intercession to bring their prayers to God. A third-class relic is created by touching an object, such as a crucifix, to one of the first-class relics in prayer. Learn more about each of the three saints and visit the chapel to pray to their relics in person.
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ExorcisioTe, First Class Bone Relic of St. Longinus - the centurion who pierced the side of Jesus with the Holy Lance (Spear of Destiny), CC BY-SA 4.0
ExorcisioTe (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:First_Class_Bone_Relic_of_St._Longinus_-_the_centurion_who_pierced_the_side_of_Jesus_with_the_Holy_Lance_(Spear_of_Destiny).jpg), „First Class Bone Relic of St. Longinus - the centurion who pierced the side of Jesus with the Holy Lance (Spear of Destiny)“, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode