The twelve disciples present at the Last Supper were Bartholomew[4], James, son of Alphaeus[4], Andrew[4], Judas Iscariot[4], Peter[4], John[2][3][4], Thomas[4], Philip[4], Matthew[4] and Simon the Zealot[4]. The beloved disciple, commonly identified with John the Evangelist, is mentioned in John 13:23-24 as having his head resting on Jesus' chest during the Last Supper[1].
Eduard von Steinle (1810-1886) was an Austrian painter and member of the Nazarene movement[1][2][3][4]. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna[3] and is known for his historical paintings[1][4]. The Nazarene movement was adopted by a group of early 19th-century German Romantic painters who aimed to revive spirituality in art[1][2][3][4]. The name Nazarene came from their desire to return to the purity of the Christian art of the Middle Ages[3][5].