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This is an eastern cross – a medieval patriarchal relic from Jerusalem guarded in this city, at first by the Order of the Temple and later by the Order of Santiago and owns a miracle narrative of its presence in this town. This is the reason why the miracle of the Apparition of the Cross was read aloud by beggars in the XIII Century, in which the Cross appears during a mass celebrated by priest Chirinos. This is how it has been written in the first and following narratives, as an enigmatic Apparition, highlighting its protective embracing force. Its reputation as miraculous and special symbol draws many visitors to the town.


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IMG_6819 flickr photo by Fr James Bradley shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

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"IMG_6819" flickr photo by Fr James Bradley https://flickr.com/photos/jamesbradley/34441518646 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

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