The essential elements of the public worship of the Catholic Church, in the Sacrifice of the Eucharist and the administration of the sacraments, are the same in all Catholic rites. What is called the "Mass" in the West is called "Divine Liturgy" in the Eastern Churches.
The rite celebrated at Nativity parish is the Byzantine rite, which originated in the ancient Church at Constantinople. The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is most often used within the Byzantine rite, but is not the only Liturgy available.
Worship in the Ukrainian Catholic Church is characterized by a great sense of God's holiness, a reverence for the sacred, a humble dependence on the power and mercy of God and faith in the intercessory power of the Mother of God and all the Saints. There is a strong tradition of congregational singing without instrumentation, with traditional melodies adopted to our liturgical texts. At Nativity parish, the majority of the Divine Liturgy is said in English, with some responses and prayers said in Ukrainian.
This particular church is the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine at 4250 Harewood Rd. NE, Washington, D. C.
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