A Requiem Mass differs in several ways from the usual Mass, therefore a unique missal is utilized by priests. Omissions include the use of incense at the Introit and the Gospel, the kiss of peace, lit candles held by acolytes when a deacon chants the Gospel, and blessings. There is no Gloria and no recitation of the Creed; the Alleluia chant before the Gospel is replaced by a Tract, as in Lent; and the Agnus Dei is altered. Ite missa est is replaced with Requiescant in pace (May they rest in peace); the Deo gratias response is replaced with Amen. Black was the obligatory liturgical colour of the vestments in the earlier forms, while in the renewed liturgy "besides violet, white or black vestments may be worn at funeral services and at other Offices and Masses for the Dead.
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