About the Image:
This is an intricate piece that appears to be steeped in religious symbolism. It's titled "Litanie tot O.L.V. van Lauretten", which can be translated from Dutch to "Litany to Our Lady of Loreto". Let me break down some observations about the piece:
- Central Image: The central image appears to be that of the Virgin Mary, or "Our Lady". The detailing of the glass window-like structure suggests a church setting, specifically the Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto, a prominent pilgrimage site. The lore relates to the Holy House where the Virgin Mary is said to have been born, received the Annunciation, and raised Jesus.
- Surrounding Images: The smaller images surrounding the central figure are predominantly depictions of various titles or aspects attributed to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. These can be understood as part of the litanies or prayers recited in her honor, with each image representing a specific title or descriptor.
- Colors and Symbols: The use of bright colors, especially gold and green, highlights the significance of the imagery. There are various symbols interwoven, like the heart, the anchor, and the cross, which are deeply rooted in Christian iconography.
- Bottom Inscription: The inscription at the bottom references the printer or publisher and gives a date of 1790. This provides context about the time period the artwork was produced in.
The presence of such imagery and symbols would suggest that this piece was likely used for devotional purposes. It might have been an aid for the faithful during prayers or a tool for meditation on the many titles and aspects of the Virgin Mary. Given its date and style, it's an excellent representation of religious art from the late 18th century.
This image is in the public domain.