Advent is a season of preparation for Christmas, originally lasting 40 days. It was traditionally known as Saint Martin's Lent, named after the feast day of Saint Martin of Tours. In the ninth century, the duration of Advent was reduced to four weeks, and it became a time of penitential preparation, similar to Lent. Gaudete Sunday is a break during Advent, providing a time of joy and gladness in the midst of the otherwise penitential season. The spirit of the liturgy during Advent is one of expectation and preparation for both the birth of Jesus and his second coming.
Tadevuš Kandrusievič is a Catholic bishop from Belarus. He served as the Archbishop of Minsk–Mohilev from 2007 to 2021. Before that, he held various posts in Russia from 1991 to 2007. He has been a bishop since 1989.