Table of Contents

Historical Context

These are pages from Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact, which was a bi-monthly, school-year magazine by the Catechetical Guild Educational Society that ran from 1946 to 1972. Treasure Chest featured stories for Catholics that included religious subjects, American history, crossword puzzles, funny comics, and original fiction stories (including their longest running series, Chuck White). The magazine was only sold on a subscription basis to Catholic schools and was not featured on newsstands, which was the common way to sell comic magazines at the time.

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“The mass is a great action—the greatest action that can be on Earth.”- Saint Cardinal Newman. King David, the Bible tells us, was once driven from Jerusalem by his son, Absalom.
Alone in the desert and filled with sorrow, he turned to God for help and comfort.
In the midst of his sorrow he wrote a prayer that expressed his longing to serve God once again in His temple.
As well as renewed courage and confidence in God.
The early Christians chose David’s hymn of praise and petition (now known as the Júdica Me) as part of the Easter Saturday baptismal services.
And sang it during the procession, when converts went to receive first holy communion.
The psalm thus became part of the Mass of the Catechumens. David’s psalm expresses our own joy at the new spiritual life that begins with baptism.
As time went on, it became a private prayer said by the priest either in the sacristy or on his way to the altar.
In 1570 Pope Pius V issued a bull that reorganized the missal and made the Júdica Me an official part of the mass.
By Church rule, the Gloria Patri (or “Little Doxology”) is said at the end of the recitation of the psalm.

The Júdica Me


P. I will go in to the altar of God.
S. To God who giveth joy to my youth.
P. Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation which is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.
S. For Thou, O God, art my strength: why hast Thou cast me off? and why go I sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me?
P. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth: they have conducted me and brought me unto Thy holy mount, and into Thy tabernacles.
S. And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth.
P. To Thee, O God, my God, I will give praise upon the harp; why art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou disquiet me?
S. Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him: the salvation of my countenance and my God.


S. Iúdica me, Deus, et discérne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab hómine iníquo et dolóso érue me.
M. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea: quare me repulísti, et quare tristis incédo, dum afflígit me inimícus?
S. Emítte lucem tuam et veritátem tuam: ipsa me deduxérunt, et adduxérunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernácula tua.
M. Et introíbo ad altáre Dei: ad Deum, qui lætíficat iuventútem meam.
S. Confitébor tibi in cíthara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es, ánima mea, et quare contúrbas me?
M. Spera in Deo, quóniam adhuc confitébor illi: salutáre vultus mei, et Deus meus.

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