Originally made up of seven inscribed medallions, this armband demonstrates the intermixing of Christian, Jewish, and pagan imagery on an object of magical, medicinal purpose. Judging by the inscriptions, most armbands (made in Byzantine Syria and Egypt) were used to treat abdominal disorders.


[Transcription] + Ὁ κατοικῶν ἐν βοηθία τοῦ [Ὑψίστου]; [Translation] + He who dwells in the shelter of [the Most High] (cf. Psalm 91:1)

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Amuletic Armband with Holy Rider, Saints, and Magical Symbols | The Walters Art Museum
Originally made up of seven inscribed medallions, this armband demonstrates the intermixing of Christian, Jewish, and pagan imagery on an object of magical, medicinal purpose. Judging by the inscriptions, most armbands (made in Byzantine Syria and Egypt) were used to treat abdominal disorders.
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