Posts to keep sdcason subscribers updated about what happening on the website
Newsletter - 2 July 2021
Welcome to another newsletter. I hope you had a wonderful week! Also, happy Independence Day! May you experience wonderful cook-out food, fireworks, time with family—and most importantly—time with God. Letters If you want to share your thoughts, ideas, comments, concerns, and art here in the newsletter please reply...
Newsletter - 25 June 2021
Enjoy the latest posts from the blog below. I've added dozens of images lately, so if you haven't checked out the home page [] in a while, go over there and do so. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find! Remember, all...
Newsletter - 4 June 2021
Please enjoy the latest posts from the blog below. I've added dozens of images lately, so if you haven't checked out the home page in a while, go over there and do so. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find! Remember, all the images...
Newsletter - May 14
Please enjoy the latest posts from the blog below. I've added dozens of images lately, so if you haven't checked out the home page in a while, go over there and do so. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find! Remember, all the images...
Shalone's Newsletter 25 Feb 2021
The latest newsletter from Shalone.
Donor Newsletter - Feb 4, 2021
Updates for donors only.
Shalone's Newsletter - Feb 5, 2021
Shalone's updates from the week of February 1st, 2021.
Newsletter for Donors
Thanks for supporting the website. Here are the latest updates from the week of January 25, 2021.
Shalone's Newsletter Jan.28.2021
Updates from yours truly for the week of January 25th.
Shalone's Newsletter 1-22-2021
Updates from Shalone for the website redesign and other pertinent info.
Newsletter December 9, 2020
Good morning and God bless + I hope you had an enjoyable Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th). Check out the latest episodes below and stay holy + Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) - Daily Mental PrayerToday we meditate on the physical appearance of Jesus and what that means for our...
Newsletter Dec 7, 2020
Enjoy the latest episodes from the podcast! God bless and stay holy + Timeline of the Catholic Church Ep. 005 - AD 100 to AD 155Today we talk about Ignatius of Antioch, three early church heresies (Marcionism, Gnosticism, and Montanism), and Justin Martyr’s First Apology.The Shalone Cason ShowShalone Cason...
Newsletter 12-4-2020
Enjoy the latest posts. And yes...I know I said I was not doing mental prayer anymore, but guess what? I felt the need to continue it, just in a different format. So I hope you enjoy the new format. And, rejoice! Mental prayer has not been retired thus yet!...
Newsletter 12-2-20
Here are the latest posts. Enjoy and God bless + What is Canonization?Canonization is simply the process of recognizing people who have lived heroically virtuous lives, and elevating them so that Catholics all over the world may freely celebrate and honor them.The Shalone Cason Show Shalone Cason [https://Sdcason....
Newsletter 11/30/2020
I should have sent this newsletter this morning, but alas, I forgot. No problem, because I have a lot of new content for you anyway. And a new direction for the website. I hope you enjoy the changes...and until next time, stay holy. God bless + Shalone Major Changes for...
Major Changes for this Site!
I am cancelling the mental prayer episodes for now. I am moving towards making many more biographies and I will continue making the Church history series. So, you can expect a biography episode Monday thru Friday. And you can expect one Church history episode each Saturday.