Saint Perpetua (born circa 181, died circa 203) was a Roman noblewoman and Christian martyr who was martyred in third century Roman Carthage[1]. She wrote the account of her own life and arrest, becoming one of the earliest female Christian writers with surviving written work[1].
Perpetua and Felicity were arrested during the early persecution of the Church in Africa by Emperor Severus[2]. Perpetua was baptized before taken to prison and was known for her gift of "the Lord's speech" and receiving messages from God[2]. The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity narrates their death[3], which occurred at the military games in celebration of Emperor Septimius Severus.
The feast day of Saints Perpetua and Felicity is celebrated on 1 February in the Eastern Orthodox Church[3] and 7 March across the Roman Catholic Church[3].