The Immaculate Conception is a doctrine of the Catholic Church which holds that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was conceived without original sin. This means that from the moment of her own conception, Mary was preserved by God from the stain of original sin and was therefore free from the effects of sin in her own life. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is based on the belief that Mary, as the mother of Jesus, had a special role in God's plan for salvation and was therefore granted this special privilege. It is a central tenet of Catholic faith and is celebrated as a solemnity in the Catholic Church on December 8.
A missal is a liturgical book that contains all the texts and prayers needed for the celebration of the Mass throughout the year. It includes the parts of the Mass that are fixed and unchanging, as well as the parts that change depending on the day or season of the liturgical year. Missals are often used by the laity to follow along with the liturgical rites. In the Roman Catholic Church, the missal also includes the readings from the Bible that are to be proclaimed during the Mass.
This missal, also known as the Tridentine missal, was published in 1962. This missal is still used by some traditionalist Catholic groups who prefer the older, Latin form of the Mass.