Christ on the cross has been depicted in art since the 4th century CE[1]. Early Byzantine depictions often show Christ flanked by Longinus and Stephaton with their spear and pole with vinegar[1]. In British art, George James Frampton created a stele of Christ on the cross with his head bowed in sorrow[2]. During the Renaissance period, paintings of Christ on the cross were created by artists such as Duccio, Ugolino di Nerio, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo and El Greco[2][3][4]. These works often depict Christ's pain and suffering through facial expressions and body language. They also feature symbols such as skulls at the foot of the cross to represent death[2]. Crucifixion in popular art is sometimes used for its shock value[1], while from an art historical perspective, portrayals of the crucifixion act as historical fossils that document how people have viewed Jesus' death over time[2].
The Meester van de Delbecq-Schreiber-Passie is an artist from the 15th to 16th century, attributed to works such as 'Noli me tangere'[1], 'Christus aan het kruis'[2] and other prints, paper works and depictions of Jesus Christ and the New Testament[3][4][5].