The Georgian inscription on the handle of this cross indicates that its silver frame was commissioned in 1713 by Domentius IV (Damian Bagrationi), Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church from 1705 to 1741, "for the forgiveness of his sins." The woodcarving inside carries Greek inscriptions and was most probably brought to Georgia from Greece. It shows scenes from the life of Christ: the Nativity (center), Annunciation (top), Baptism (left), Presentation in the Temple (right), Transfiguration, and Resurrection (bottom) on one side, and on the other: the Crucifixion, Ascension, Dormition of the Virgin, Entry into Jerusalem, Raising of Lazarus, and Pentecost. This type of cross was used for blessing the faithful during Church ceremonies.
[Transcription] ქ: იესო.: ყო(ვლა)დ: ძლიერო.: და.: ჯვარო.: ცხოველის.: მყოფელო.: შ(ეიწყალ)ე.: და.: შეუნდევ.: ყოველნი.: მისნი.: ცოდვანი.: კ(ათოლი)კ(ო)ს.: პატრიარქ.: დომენტის.: რომელმან.: მოვაჭედინე.: ჯვარი.: ესე.: ცოდვილის.: სულის.: სალხინებლად.: ქრისტეს.: აქათ.: ჩღივ.: ქ(ორონი)კ(ონ)სა.: უა; [Translation] Almighty Jesus Christ and life-giving Cross, have mercy on the Catholicos-Patriarch Domentius who had this cross mounted [in silver] for the salvation of his sinful soul in the year 1713 after Christ, 401 of the Georgian era