This set of posters created by Joseph Binder depict various Bible portraits with verses. This image shows Jeremiah and features the quote: "Jeremiah lamented the sorrows and travails of his people. His prayers were heard and their mourning was turned into joy. With God as our helper, no sorrow is too great; no burden unbearable. He is our stronghold in days of trouble."
I am not sure why these images are in the public domain, but this could have been a federal government project because Binder was the art director for the Navy at one point. Either way, it is always wonderful to discover public domain art that is newer and of high-quality!
Joseph Binder was an Austrian-born designer whose influence permeated Europe and the United States. He applied reductive compositional principles derived from Cubism and De Stijl to his posters, including the one he designed for the New York World's Fair in 1939.
He emigrated to the United States. in 1934 and won many poster competitions, organized by the Museum of Modern Art, for such agencies as the National Defense, the United Nations, and the American Red Cross. He also designed covers for Fortune and Graphis magazine. In 1948 Binder became art director for the U.S. Navy Department, and in the 1960's he returned to his primary passion of painting.