Hello! First of all, thank you for subscribing. Secondly, sorry I have been absent from the newsletters.

So here's the deal. I got sick with vertigo for two weeks. Vertigo is horrible. If you've never had it, basically looking at any screen or being in the sunlight makes you dizzy and it is really hard to walk around without stumbling. It is no fun at all. So I was in bed for a week and the next week I was recovering.

Then my wife tested positive for COVID! Don't worry, she is okay now. Her symptoms were: headaches, can't smell, aching muscles, and fatigue. Thankfully there were no major symptoms or complications and we are both perfectly healthy now.

However, I was unable to continue making videos and writing newsletters due to all this craziness. Now, I am heading back to teaching full-time. Therefore, I won't have the same time available that I had during the summer months. Which means I won't be able to keep doing two videos a day and three newsletters a week.

Truthfully, I might not be able to continue making videos at all. However, I am working on a new method to keep the prayers going. My plan is to continue making the podcast, once a day, and to share the newsletter once a week at least.

I hope this news finds you well, and I hope I find a solution that helps us all to pray more and to become closer to Christ.

God bless and stay holy my friend +


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