This site is a place where Catholic public domain paintings, stock photos, and coloring pages are stored, categorized, and made searchable. Anyone can come here to find the perfect Catholic image for their project.

However, in order to make this the go-to place for Catholic images, we need as many images as possible.

In short, we need your images!

If you have paintings, photos, or line art of Catholic subjects, please feel free to send an email to

All we need is

  • Your name (or pen name/pseudonym) and
  • Your file (JPG, PNG, or PDF)

We always give you attribution and mark the files with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.0) license. This license allows anyone to: share, adapt and build upon your submissions for any purpose, even commercially (as long as they give you attribution). This is the easiest way for you to retaining ownership while allowing others to use your images as well. We do not accept images with any other copyright.

So again, if you're interested, send your name and image(s) as an attachment to

I hope to see your submissions soon! God bless +

~ Shalone Cason (Editor-in-chief)