Shalone Cason

Shalone Cason

Virginia Website

This site's editor-in-chief is a Catholic husband, father, and author. He loves sharing the Catholic faith through art and graphic design. Check out his prayer books and coloring books on

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Veiled Statue in Saint Benedict's Catholic Church (Chesapeake, Virginia) During Good Friday (2024) - Catholic Stock Photo by Shalone Cason

During Lent, especially on Good Friday, veiled statues in Catholic churches symbolize the mourning and reverence for the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The practice of veiling statues is a tradition that helps Catholics focus on the solemnity and significance of the Lenten season, particularly during Holy Week leading...

Parish Yearbooks

Step into the world of our faith and experience the joyous moments of our annual liturgical events through the lens of our parish yearbooks. With hundreds of captivating photos, our collection will transport you to the heart of our vibrant community and leave you with cherished memories to last a...

Good Friday 2024

Good Friday, observed with solemnity and reverence in the Catholic Latin Mass tradition, holds profound significance as the day commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This sacred day is marked by a liturgy that focuses on the Passion of Christ, including readings from the Scriptures narrating key events...

Saint Damian, Saint Pantaleon and Saint Cosmas with four other saints below (unknown date and author) - Public Domain Byzantine Drawing

The woodcut depicts saints as intercessors and models of Christian virtue, emphasizing a communal aspect of sainthood. The top three saints, Saint Damian, Saint Pantaleon, and Saint Cosmas, were all physicians, highlighting their significant roles in Christian hagiography. The woodcut medium played a crucial role in disseminating devotional imagery, especially...

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