The Theological Virtue of Faith (unknown date, unknown author) - Public Domain Catholic Painting


Faith is the first of the three theological virtues, the other two being hope and charity (or love)[1][2][3][4][5]. It is a supernatural virtue by which we firmly believe in our hearts all the truths God has revealed[3]. Faith is an infused virtue, meaning it is given to us by God through grace[4]. It allows us to assent to supernatural truths of Revelation on the sole ground of authority[4]. Thomas Aquinas explains that these virtues are called theological because they have God for their object, allowing us to participate in God's own Trinitarian, divine life[2]. Aquinas also found an interconnection between practical wisdom and moral virtue, which he termed "the Unity of the Virtues"[4]. By accepting faith, we can open our hearts more to make room for the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity[2].

This image is in the public domain.

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