The Blinding of St. Victor (1351) by Bartolomeo Bulgarini - Public Domain Catholic Painting

About the Image:

Its richness of execution and its artistic quality are what make this panel so captivating. It was once part of the predella of an altarpiece – later largely destroyed – from Siena Cathedral. Bulgarini’s retable and three others by Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti and Simone Martini surrounded the city’s principal religious work, ‘Duccio’s Maestà’. For his depiction of the blinding of St Victor, the artist used the kiss of Judas as his formal model. Victor’s martyrdom is thus linked in a prestige-enhancing manner with the Passion of Christ.

Bartolomeo Bulgarini was an Italian painter who was active during the 14th century. He was known for his contributions to the art of painting in Siena, Italy. Bulgarini was associated with the Sienese School and his works often depicted religious subjects, including altarpieces and frescoes. His style was influenced by the Gothic art of his time, characterized by elegant figures, rich colors, and intricate details.

This image is in the public domain.

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