St. Theodosius Pechersky - July 10

St. Theodosius was one of the founders of Russian monasticism. He reformed monasteries and promoted spiritual life in Kiev.

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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
My God, I firmly believe that Thou art everywhere present and seest all things...cleanse my heart from all vain, wicked, and distracting thoughts. Enlighten my understanding, and inflame my will, that I may pray with reverence, attention, and devotion.


Theodosius was born to a wealthy family, and once he was older he gave up all connection with the comfortable circumstances of his parents and labored in the fields with humble peasants before entering the monastery of the Caves in Kiev around 1032.

Eventual Theodosius become abbot of the community, he introduced many reforms to end the extreme asceticism which had been long-standing practice and introduced a more moderate rule for the monks.

Aside from promoting the spiritual life in the region around Kiev, he also aided the poor, established hospitals, and involved himself in the politics of Kiev.

Through his labors, he made "the Caves" one of the foremost monastic institutions in Russia. Canonized in 1108 by the bishop of Kiev, he is venerated by the Russian Orthodox Church as one of the founders of Russian monasticism.


St. Theodosius was one of the founders of Russian monasticism. He reformed monasteries and promoted spiritual life in Kiev.

Reflect on this:
What does this saint’s life mean to you?
Sit quietly and consider this:
How can you live holier based on this saint’s life?


Almighty and eternal God, I adore Thee, and I thank Thee for all the benefits which Thou, in Thy infinite goodness and mercy, hast conferred upon me.


Based on this reflection, I resolve to avoid all sin.
However, I should especially resolve to avoid one particular deadly sin:
(Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Pride, Sloth)


My God, I offer Thee these resolutions; unless Thou deignest to bless them, I can not be faithful to them. And Lord Jesus Christ, at midday You mounted the cross for our salvation. Give us Your light, which will bring us to eternal life. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You and God Bless +
And until next time … stay holy my friends!

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