Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary Graveyard - Catholic Stock Photo

Burial plot of the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary in section 70 of Mount Olivet Cemetery in Washington, D.C., in the United States in 2014.

The Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary is a religious body for lay women within the Roman Catholic Church. The organization formed in 1974, and took its organizational structure, many of its religious practices, and its mode of dress from the Little Sisters of Jesus. As their faith-inspiration, they wished to model their life on that of Father Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916), a Trappist monk and later priest who was a member of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He was martyred in 1916.

The Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary operate primarily in Maryland and Washington, D.C., ministering to the poor through community work, care for the homeless and abused, and education.

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Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary graveyard - section 70 - Mt Olivet - Washington DC - 2014-07-18 flickr photo by Tim Evanson shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

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"Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary graveyard - section 70 - Mt Olivet - Washington DC - 2014-07-18" flickr photo by Tim Evanson shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

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